EU Map Europe

EU Financial Support

11 April 2018
ModuVision Technologies have received a grant from the EU Regional Development Fund to accelerate the development of new high-tech products. With additional financial help from the Province op Zeeland we will develop even more sophisticated products. These grants are based on a ranking system where only the most promising projects are selected for financial support.

Almost half of the ModuVision staff are working on new product development every day. All required disciplines, including mechanical, software, analytical and electronics engineering are represented in our R&D facility. This effort represents a continuous investment in future products. The financial support we were offered by the EU is therefore very welcome and at the same time proves once more the high technological level we have achieved.

The total (combined) investment into new product development under this program is more than 1 Million Euros of which roughly 165 thousand Euros will be covered by EU and Province of Zeeland financial support.

More information about this project can be found here [Dutch content]:

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